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Conducting Successful Interviews: Disability Etiquette

Publisher: Hire for Talent, a project by CBDC Restigouche
Topics: Supported Employment Best Practices, Workplace Solutions – Accessibility & Universal Design, Workplace Solutions – Accommodations, Workplace Solutions – Jobseeker and Employee Engagement, Workplace Solutions – Innovations, Workplace Solutions-Virtual employment, Workplace Solutions – Disability Specific Workplace Inclusion
Year published: 2020
Type of resource: Website

The Conducting Successful Interviews: Disability Etiquette is a resource that was developed by CBDC Restigouche as part of the Government of Canada-funded Hire for Talent project. It highlights successful interviews best practices when it comes to engaging with interviewees who experience disability: people who use service animals, people who use wheelchairs or other mobility devices, people with non-visible disabilities, people who look different, people of short stature, and more.

The resource is available in HTML format as well as in .pdf format.

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