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The Workplace in 2020: How Employers Can Support Jobseekers With Disabilities

Publisher: The Arc
Topics: Supported Employment Practice – Inclusive Employment, Supported Employment Practice-Professional Development, Supported Employment Practice-Financing, Supported Employment Practice-Best Practices, Workplace Solutions – Accessibility & Universal Design, Workplace Solutions – Accommodations, Workplace Solutions – Jobseeker and Employee Engagement, Workplace Solutions – Innovations, Workplace Solutions-Virtual employment, Workplace Solutions – Disability Specific Workplace Inclusion
Year published: 2020
Type of resource: Publication

The disability labor force has been hit hard by the pandemic and the these individuals face numerous barriers as they look for work. At the same time, many companies have had to either temporarily or permanently cut staff as a result of COVID-19, which means that employers will be hiring as the economy begins its slow climb back up to its pre-pandemic levels. Now is the perfect time for employers to assess where they stand in their disability inclusive culture and recruiting strategies. The resource features a list of considerations and strategies that employers can consider to mainstream disability-inclusion in rebuilding their staff.

Access the resource here: The Workplace in 2020: How Employers Can Support Jobseekers With Disabilities

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