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Canadian Guide on Mental Health Literacy for Autism

Publisher: York University and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Topics: Supported Employment Practice-Inclusive Employment, Supported Employment Practice-Best Practices, Compliance-Policies, Workplace Solutions-Accessibility & Universal Design, Workplace Solutions-Accommodations, Workplace Solutions-Jobseeker and Employee Engagement, Workplace Solutions-Disability Specific Workplace Inclusion
Year published: 2021
Type of resource: Publication

York University researchers, in collaboration with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), have launched a first-of-its-kind mental health literacy guide to address the knowledge gap in supporting autistic adults. The 200-page document provides a definition of autism in adulthood, how to identify mental health problems and mental health solutions for this community, and seeks to dispel misconceptions. It is free for anybody to access online, and combines input from research and first-person accounts of autism in Canada.

Access the resource here: Canadian Guide on Mental Health Literacy for Autism

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