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I’ve Felt Very Pressured to Make Up For My Hearing Loss, Now That Meetings Are Conducted Virtually

Publisher: Scope
Topics: Supported Employment Practice-Inclusive Employment, Supported Employment Practice-Business Intelligence, Supported Employment Practice-Professional Development, Supported Employment Practice-Best Practices, Workplace Solutions-Accessibility & Universal Design, Workplace Solutions-Accommodations, Workplace Solutions-Jobseeker and Employee Engagement, Workplace Solutions-Innovations, Workplace Solutions-Virtual employment, Workplace Solutions-Disability Specific Workplace Inclusion
Year published: 2020
Type of resource: Blog

“I have severe bilateral hearing loss, wear two hearing aids, and rely on lip-reading and subtitles in my day-to-day interactions.  
I am in full-time employment and I have been with my current employer for three years.  
At the start of the pandemic I was side-lined at work and redeployed into a lower-paid job, as I could not help with the video production and distribution that my usual role suddenly required.  
My organisation produced un-subtitled video messages to staff and un-subtitled training videos, and I felt very isolated and frustrated.  
I’ve felt very pressured to make up for my hearing loss, now that working from home has increased and more meetings than ever are conducted virtually.”

Access the resource here: I’ve Felt Very Pressured to Make Up For My Hearing Loss, Now That Meetings Are Conducted Virtually

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