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Workplace Accommodations for People With Arthritis

Publisher: Arthritis Society
Topics: Supported Employment Practice-Inclusive Employment, Supported Employment Practice-Business Intelligence, Supported Employment Practice-Professional Development, Supported Employment Practice-Best Practices, Supported Employment Practice-Self Employment, Supported Employment Practice-Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Compliance-Policies, Compliance-Legislation, Compliance-Regulation, Pathways-Job Readiness, Workplace Solutions-Accessibility & Universal Design, Workplace Solutions-Accommodations, Workplace Solutions-Jobseeker and Employee Engagement, Workplace Solutions-Innovations, Workplace Solutions-Evaluations, Workplace Solutions-Disability Specific Workplace Inclusion
Year published: 2021
Type of resource: Publication

Not everyone with arthritis will require workplace accommodations, but for those who do, having support can significantly improve employment outcomes and reduce job disruptions. With the right supports in place, people with
arthritis can continue to make meaningful contributions at work and lead productive, fulfilling lives.

Access the resource here: Workplace Accommodations for People With Arthritis

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